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Freitag, 27. Februar 2015

Human Design: The 3/5 Profile

You are the last person who needs reminding that life is a school of hard knocks, filled with the exhilarating chaos on which your nature thrives, aided by a wicked sense of humour and polished by a charismatic air. I can almost see you adopting a James Bond impression, blowing those cheeks, wiping that brow and saying, ‘Tell me about it... but I live to fight another day!’
Pain and pleasure are the twinned realities of life, though I suspect you’ve known more pain due to living life on the edge, leaping in with both feet and learning as you go. Of all profiles, you are the most likely to stick your fingers into an electric socket just to find out what goes on in there! You are your own worst enemy, such is your insatiable inquisitiveness and curiosity. You like to leave no stone unturned in your pursuit of reward and joy, and there is an indefatigable spirit to the way you embrace life, come what may.
3/5 profiles are here for a fast-track lifetime. In failure, trauma and survival, you glean wisdom. Life will bounce you into dead-ends, heartbreak, crushing disappointment and wrong situations whilst askingyou to take the blessings in disguise. It’s almost as if your role is to witness, endure or lead from the front in order to educate and guide others.

You are a capable and adaptable leader in a crisis, with a wisdom that shapes a visionary element, and there is something of the rebel in you, wanting to challenge authority and point out what is and isn’t working. You want to be a force for change in all areas of life. Your adaptability makes you expert in a storm of crisis, because you’ve been there, done that and know how the drama ends! Your understanding of life also arms you with a natural forgiveness.
The fascinating mix of this profile is the third-line element which needs the juice of life together with the illusory yet hypnotic nature of the fifth line. This turns you into a charismatic, persuasive seducer, subtly reeling others into relationships, projects or pursuits. But it is a profile which is non-committal by nature and doesn’t wish to hang around if there is not a sustainable engagement with its interest. Nevertheless, you are always strategizing, seeing how it can all work in your best interests, toying with experimental and grand ideas.
If I were in conversation with you, there would be an outgoing, engaging eagerness about your communication style and obvious zest for life.
I daresay you could come across as a bit of a dreamer, but doubtless there would be a multitude of crazy anecdotes, all carried off with a self-deprecating humour concealing the pain of the time. When you fall back on your sharp wit, you are one of the funniest people around. Humour is both your medicine and master deflector.
But not all 3/5s can look on the bright side. Life can become too much sand leave you defeated. You can get to the point where all you crave is a settled life. You are done with the trials, tribulations and tests and want to throw in the towel. When a 3/5 profile feels beaten, despite their best efforts, they surrender. But their nature will not rest and will always seek to propel them into a fresh adventure. So surrendering will only exacerbate any inner frustrations. The third line will never stop catapulting the 3/5 into all sorts of relationships, projects, travels, travails, purchases and lifestyles. Coupled with the outward projections of the fifth line, it’s almost as if there is a hunger to make real life match the fantasies.
Ultimately, you are seeking the reward for your hardship. You are always seeking that special someone who can bring inner peace amid the chaos. When that person is found, commitment is total. In an acceptance of chaos, you accept yourself. Life will never be a destination but an eternal journey. Embrace it, find medicine in laughter and absorb all the consequential wisdoms that make people admire you so much. And at the end of your days, I guarantee you will have travelled, loved and lost, succeeded and failed, and amassed a veritable library of personal experiences to contemplate and recall.

aus: Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be: A Revolutionary New System Revealing the DNA of Your True Nature

Klingt irgendwie sehr anstrengend. Ich hoffe doch, ganz so schlimm ist es nicht. Meinen Finger in eine Steckdose gesteckt habe ich jedenfalls noch nie.