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books and more - Fr, 22:09


This is a good link, the universe bless you for sharing it with us. The love compatibility horoscope for one example is very right, when it say about "Cancer Man - Pisces Woman Compatibility: [..] This combination lacks the harmony and understanding required to for a long lasting relationship. They will find themselves attracted, but realize that their needs are different. They lack the will and desire that is required for a long lasting relationshiop. This is also not a good combination for helath and progeny."
This is a good site, the universe knows that the life is the proof an I know it too! Namaste!

Sehr schön,

daß das Horoskop mit Ihren Erfahrungen übereinstimmt. ;o)
books and more - Fr, 22:55


werden die Erinnerungen einfach dem Horoskop angepasst! In diesem Fall aber unnötig.



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