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Fixsternastrologie nach Bernadette Brady

Eine ca. 17 seitige astrologische Deutung der Fixsterne nach Bernadette Brady erhält man hier für zehn Pfund, was in etwa dasselbe in Euro ist. Leider nur in Englisch. Weder die Bücher von Brady noch die Deutungen gibt es bisher auf Deutsch.

With Alnilam in paran with your Mercury, the star's love of establishing or understanding the
connections between things will be influencing your thinking and your interests. Your intellectual
motivation will be to understand or explore the ways that ideas or philosophies can be linked together to yield a greater understanding. This may occur locally in your life, simply giving you an exploring mind, or a strong curiosity about the potentials of interconnected worlds or ideas. However, if Alnilam is influencing your public life via your Mercury, then your career will reflect this desire to establish links between disparate ideas, or to express things in new ways.

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