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Mein indisches Jahreshoroskop

klingt super und beruht auf dem indischen Mondzeichen:

>>Plentiful new opportunities will come your way as if they were waiting for the right time. Even offers that you missed in the past because of lack of expertise will come back to you and everything that seemed impossible will now be within attainable limits.
You may get opportunities to enhance your knowledge and you will be able to concentrate better. Time is excellent for learning, acquiring a higher degree, teaching and pursuing intellectual interests of similar types. Creativity, enhancing your skills, psychology, spirituality and home management are areas likely to grab your interest this year. You are likely to achieve fame and success in these spheres. For those who wish to pursue higher education abroad, this may be just the time to try your luck. The response will be favourable. You will find more opportunities to advance your trade with academics institutions, foreign agencies and government sector.

2014 Pisces Love & Romance Horoscope: "The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed"

A lot of nice things waiting to happen to you will happen this year. This is the year of optimism and you will be filled with positive energy. Love life will blossom and socialising will be on its peak. You will celebrate accomplishments, encourage goals and ambitions, and explore each others values and beliefs with each other.
Married people will be blessed with a wonderful relationship. They will enjoy domesticity and will be bless with child birth. Singles Pisces will find their true love and will be dating more often. Your social circle starts to expand this year and in a healthier way too. Your marriage or love relationship will begin to heal-up slowly.
It'll be a new and better beginning from now in your relationships. You must focus on your family and consider a more stable and settled life.

2014 Pisces Career & Money Horoscope: "Do your work with your whole heart and you will succeed - there's so little competition"

It's about positive new beginnings. You may feel rooted, secure, and comfortable. This will make for one of the best financial year you have had so far. You will relish your wealth and spend it happily with family and friends. Children in your family will inspire you to do better in life and look for more financial opportunities. Also, your creativity will find a way to be marketable. You can expect a good raise, bonus, money back from some investment, or some other material increase can come into your life. Financially, you are in a period of prosperity. Travel, family, occasions of celebrations and all the good things are on the cards for you. Many of you will change jobs and even shift the field. You will need to be more patient while handling financial issues, and more so if they are concerning estate, tax or insurance. This is also a good time to clear your financial debts. Spiritual practices such as chanting of prayers and meditation will also have a positive impact on your personal and professional life.

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